Please keep backpacking in mind when you are shoping for these items. Get the lightest weight option that you can afford. Always consult with the adult leaders before you purchase the big ticket items.
The Troop will make every effort to make sure ALL Scouts have an opportunity to attend an event. If you cannot aquire the necessary gear please contact your Scoutmaster. A lot of us have extra gear to loan and hand me downs available to outfit your Scout. The Troop storage has some items available as well.
Remember to mark your name on ALL of your belongings with a Sharpie!
We use a cheap large duffel bag from Target or WalMart to carry everything in for car camping trips.

You can also re-use a 1 liter empty plastic Gatorade bottle. They are lightweight and strong. Make sure to bring 2 of them!
Sleeping Bag - If you have one that you used in Cub Scouts or Family camping and it is at least rated as a 3-season (15 deg F - 32 deg F) you can use it for now. If you need to purchase a new sleeping bag it is best to find something that will be suitable for backpacking. You should look for the lightest weight (under 4 lbs) synthetic, mummy style bag you can afford rated at 20 deg F.

It weighs 2 lbs 12 oz and is rated at 20 deg F.
If you look around you can usually find it on sale for under $189.00.
With proper care this bag will last your scouting career and can be used on all troop outings, Snow Camping, Backpacking and Canoeing.
Sleeping Pad - Something to sleep on. Self-inflating or Closed Cell Foam pad. You can spend anywhere from $20.00 to $150.00 in this category.

A popular pad with the scouts is the Therm-a-Rest Z Lite Sol accordion-style design that lies flat instantly and folds up.
Tent - Not required initially for your first camp out but I feel we should start to discuss it here. Tent options will be discussed in more detail later.
Before you run out and purchase a tent you should have some discussion with the adult leaders about this subject. The troop has some tents that may be used but your scout must let the Quartermaster know before the campout or he can buddy up with someone that already has a tent.

A lot of scouts have the REI Camp Dome 2. It is durable, trustworthy, a cinch to pitch and has held up in the wind and rain. It can be shared by two scouts for backpacking by one scout carring the poles and fly and the other carring the body and stakes. We purchased the foot print to help extend the life of the tent but a cheap 5x7 tarp will work as well.
Flashlight - Small, Cheap AA Type found at any store. These normally get lost in the beginning so don't spend a lot of money here. As they do more camping and backpacking with the troop you may want to look into Headlamps as an option.
Basic Mess Kit - Knife, Fork, Spoon, Bowl and Plate. Basically your needs are determined by what you are going to cook and eat. Throw away paper and plastic work great. Keep it simple.

Personal Hygene - Toothbrush and Toothpaste, Deoderant, Individual Singles Wet Ones, and whatever personal medication your scout may need.
We purchase travel size of these items at the grocery store and keep in a gallon size zip lock bag.
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